Upcoming Events
The Picnic will be 1:00 Sunday, August 18th at Jan and Lou Young's house, 4002 Maple Ave, Castalia, Ohio. The Fellowship will provide tableware and some bottled water. Please bring a dish to share and any other beverages you might like. We should have plenty of chairs, but if you have a chair that's easy to throw in your car, you could bring it in case we have a big crowd. Please RSVP at 419-684-5128 so we know about how many to expect. Hope you can make it!
At our Annual Meeting June 2, our UU Fellowship voted for the following slate of Officers and Board Members:
Chair -- Bill Djubek
Past Chair -- Jan Young
Secretary -- Lou Young
Treasurer -- Harry Stenzel
Board Members -- Sande Campbell, Nate Fuller, Mary Jane Hahler,
Mike Kotora, Becky Waldock and Nike Mendenhall.
We also decided to continue holding quarterly services/meetings with the possibility of additional social gatherings in the summer. If you want to renew your membership in the UU Fellowship of the Firelands and haven't paid your $1, please mail it to our Treasurer Harry Stenzel at 3202 Stoneway Drive E, Sandusky, OH 44870. Or you can bring your $1 to the August picnic.